(232) The secret identity of Mr .CC

During a phone call of Dec 10th 2006, James Sorrie suggested that if I wished to appear at the www. quizzing.co.uk website incognito, then I might use a handle which he himself had sometimes deployed there, even months earlier.
It was Mr.CC, and he also gave me the password. Both James and I had fallen out of favour, for separate reasons, with the administrators of the site, and they had banned each of us.
At 11:30 the following morning I recorded the forwarded handle of MrCC and password on my drafts page of passwords and handles. A few mins later I read in The Times online a story involving aliases, one of which was "CC". It was something to which they had referred in a story of December 5th 2006.
But this was the first I had heard of it. And, as I say, Sorrie, who "loaned" me the handle and password, had been using both months earlier, as may be verified by checking posts at quizzing.co.uk .

(Incidentally, the password was kenneth.
Sorrie and I agreed upon how marvellous it would have been had that also turned out to be the name of the mystery man!)


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