(221) The mobiles lost at the same petrol pump

On the evening of July 25th 2005 I managed to lose the mobile my wife had lent me when visiting a funfair some 10 miles away with my son. Ashamed at my solecism, I returned home and confessed the loss to her before retracing my steps to see if that might locate it. One idea that occured to me was that I might have dropped it at a filling station where we had made a brief stop.

So back there I drove, and indeed a mobile was lying at the base of the very pump from which I had filled up. 
But, alas, it was not mine! 
My upwardly mobile son offered some solace, observing that it was a Nokia, "... a better make than ours, anyway." And then it went off. 
It was its, British, owner ringing to activate her lost mobile. Upon me telling her where she had left it she was relieved and arranged a rendezvous for its return a mile away.

For another instance of "misidentification" in my gratis "obtaining" of a higher class of mobile, see Living the Dream: A Coincidence Diary: (197) James Plaskett of (or near!) Tamworth in the news (james-plasketts-coincidence-diary.blogspot.com)


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