(278) Sceptic Michael Shermer´s Anomalous Events That Can Shake One’s Skepticism to the Core

Circa 18:40 on November 13th 2014 I was adding something to Michael Shermer's Wikipedia entry.
This was some seven hours after I had posted this at my Facebook wall (somebody else having earlier posted it on Facebook) -

I added a line or two referring to the above article. I then tried to add a link to the article by adding it to those listed at the foot of the page. Mine was link 65. But it was not quite the same as the others and so I tried to alter it. To my great surprise an announcement came up that somebody else had just then added that very link!
Their link was given as 44. Since there already was a link 44 I do not know if it replaced that link. Number 65 vanished whereas the line or two of text that I had added to the section headed Personal Life remained.
Within half an hour my appended lines vanished to be replaced by somebody else ́s brief sentence saying that on June 25th 2014 he had married a lady called Jennifer Graf. I added words similar to those that I had given earlier. Those too were later removed so I just put them back. But those did not remain there for all that long, so I stopped the replacements.
I also found it particularly odd that this link should have been almost simultaneously provided by two people a full two months after Shermer's published article in Scientific American.


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