(262) ´Something Old, Something New´... ´Something Blue´... and the sussed Facebook wedding

On the afternoon of August 17th 2010 I found myself thinking back to this hit of the 1970s -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgZb86W-Zj0 although I had not heard the song nor even heard of it for a decade at least. I returned home and found that several e mails had arrived in my absence and that the first was from Kelly Dudley
It was headed Something Old, Something New. Two below it was one from someone called ´Blue Humphries´. This turned out to be a Facebook message saying -

Blue Humphries also commented on Sarah-Jane van der Westhuizen's photo album.

Blue wrote:
"I like my view of the Kymin but that is gorgeous !! NEVER move,lol"

Shortly afterwards I was chatting on Facebook with Jeanna Tal, daughter of Mikhail Tal -  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Tal.
I asked her if she might be getting married soon. She said not and asked why I had asked. I explained these lead in coincidences.
Shortly after at Facebook I saw that Mercedes Diane Griffin Forbes - one of only 122 ´Friends´ I had at the site - had announced her engagement.

That led me to post at her wall -

H. James Plaskett
Ahhh. So that´s it
I found myself, about 2 and a half hrs ago, thinking of a song from the 1970s which had the chorus; "Something old, Something new, Something borrowed, Something blue"
I had not heard it for a decade or more. I even sang out that chorus line in front of my wife + kid.
Then, having just returned to the house, I opened up my e mail and saw that the 1st one was from a Kelly Dudley of a competition site.
It was headed Something Old, Something New.

And two below it was a notification that a guy whose first name was Blue had made a comment at the photos section of Sarah-Jane van der Westhuyzen, as had I previously.

Accordingly I started hearing wedding bells associated with Facebook, and even asked Jeanna Tal on here, when we were chatting 30 mins later, if she might be getting married.

She said no.

T´was you, Mercedes.



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