(200) Living the Dream

On November 22nd 2003, as a change from the scheduled programme, ITV broadcast a show called TV Cheats. The last and most infamous contributors were Charles and Diana Ingram.

At 7:30 on Nov 24th BBC1 broadcast a programme in their Real Story series; a half hour documentary on the Ingrams. But just before it began, they ran a trailer for an hour long documentary in their BBC2 Living the Dream series, which was to be shown later that same evening - the very next programme, I do believe.

To my surprise I saw that it was about a local Asian family from Scotland called Darar whom we knew and who, like us, had left the UK to start a new life in Playa Flamenca, Spain. They were from Ayrshire and had opened a restaurant. My son had been friendly with theirs, Rohan, at school, and we had dined in their restaurant which was only a mile away. I was told that on their first evening they took fifteen hundred Euro
Next year there was a follow up documentary, of the same length and also headed Living the Dream, on how they were getting on.



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