
Showing posts from February, 2013

(274) Sam Harris´ true thoughts on life, the universe and everything

Around 11:20 on the evening of February 22nd 2013 I was viewing an e mail link that my wife had just sent me. She had been disputing an earlier statistic that I had advanced where Sam Harris had cited 38% of British Muslims supporting the death penalty for any apostate. It may be heard here at 3:00 - I had sent her one link to Harris on Youtube where he gave a high % and was now moved to e mail her across (she was actually in an adjacent room!) another one where he gave a still higher figure. She was not enthusiastic about Harris and sent me across this link - I began reading it, and did not find it very supportive of her negativity.  Whilst I did so I happened to have a Youtube link continuing to play in the background.  When I reached this point in the loonwatch piece - There is no vice in having once been religious, for we all of us inherit our mythologies f...