
Showing posts from 2024

(300) Writings of 2018 dispute with the other guy´s widow if his full name or your full name comes first. ´YESTERDAY´

On the evening of October 26th, 2024 I found that a guy working on our house had rearranged some stuff, which had (somehow!) resulted in a page from a letter I had written in 2018, ending up on my writing desk. It was from a dispute with Bob Woffinden's widow in which I pointed out that my first draft of our co-authored book Bad Show had been some 75,000 words. Of which he wrote none. But I was sure I had kept that letter in a separate room. The bottom of the page of the letter had me pointing out that, when the manuscript was almost complete, he had suggested amending the styling of the title page from by James Plaskett and Bob Woffinden  to now read by Bob Woffinden and James Plaskett . I had not the slightest problem with that. Indeed, in my letter to his widow of August 9th 2018, I had cited something similar. ́ I responded, whimsically, that when McCartney asked Yoko if she would agree to a listing of Yesterday not as a Lennon and McCartney composition but a McCartney and Le...

(299) Caught in a pair of Dragonfly eyes

On Sunday April 7th 2024 I was upgrading/improving The Narrative Entry here Living the Dream: A Coincidence Diary: The Narrative, plus Epilogues and Appendices ( and lingered on Points ( 45-51 ) re William Hartston either achieving (or missing by the skin of his teeth) grandmaster norms in the 1970s. I actually e mailed him re some details. He replied and our interchange continued until, on the morning of Monday April 8th 2024, I  e mailed to ask a few more questions.  And since my 'revamping' had also demanded work on Appendices Four and Five, I e mailed again around noon to add something very similar to Point ( 63 ) of the Narrative - " Btw the crater ́s also to be seen here in the ESA Press Release - It is the same photo as appears on my book ́s cover. Only this time in colour : March 1st 2007 was also the date on which Professor Roderick Main's book Revelations of C...

(298) The Relic. Annas, Anns and Annes. The origin of The Seven Deadly Sins. The Resurrection!?

 On the evening of March 13th 2024, Raymond Keene sent to me (and also independently, to my wife) this (quite unsolicited) poem in an e mail  The Relic BY JOHN DONNE When my grave is broke up again        Some second guest to entertain,        (For graves have learn'd that woman head,        To be to more than one a bed)                 And he that digs it, spies A bracelet of  bright hair  about the bone,                 Will he not let'us alone, And think that there a loving couple lies, Who thought that this device might be some way To make their souls, at the last busy day, Meet at this grave, and make a little stay?          If this fall in a time, or land,     ...