(285) Researches on The Holy Grail leading to more re ´Paraclete´ and ´cognate´
On January 23rd 2017 I had already begun searching for more gen re something which had recently, once more, started to very much preoccupy me: The Holy Grail . An e mail arrived from David DeAngelo headed - The Holy Grail of One-Night-Stands. At lunchtime on January 24th 2017 I was rereading the Narrative Entry here, http://james-plasketts-coincidence-diary.blogspot.com.es /2006/03/ part-two-narrative-epilogues-and.html specifically for stuff on the Holy Grail. And just a few seconds after I had read this of point ( 12 ) - Through further researches I gathered that the quest for the Holy Grail represents very much a personal and individual attempt to contact the divine. Works such as H. Kahanne’s and R. Pietrangeli’s " The Krater and the Grail, Hermetic Sources of the ‘Parzival’ " clarified to me how the symbolism of the Grail was born from ancient cults and myths, e.g. the Greek krater was the deepest bowl of creation and divin...