
Showing posts from January, 2017

(285) Researches on The Holy Grail leading to more re ´Paraclete´ and ´cognate´

On January 23rd 2017 I had already begun searching for more gen re something which had recently, once more, started to very much preoccupy me:  The Holy Grail .  An e mail arrived from David DeAngelo headed - The Holy Grail of One-Night-Stands. At lunchtime on January 24th 2017 I was rereading the Narrative Entry here, /2006/03/ part-two-narrative-epilogues-and.html  specifically for stuff on the Holy Grail. And just a few seconds after I had read this of point ( 12 )  - Through further researches I gathered that the quest for the Holy Grail represents very much a personal and individual attempt to contact the divine. Works such as H. Kahanne’s and R. Pietrangeli’s " The Krater and the Grail, Hermetic Sources of the ‘Parzival’  " clarified to me how the symbolism of the Grail was born from ancient cults and myths, e.g. the Greek  krater  was the deepest bowl of creation and divin...

(284) "Only 1%" accept the validity of subjective experience as well as obective facts

Circa 11: a.m. on January 12th 2017 I was doing some cleaning and had on in the background this podcast of Sam Harris ́: It had arrived by e mail ten hours earlier and this was the first time I heard it. Here is the Youtube version - An Evening with Richard Dawkins – Featuring Sam Harris – Night 2 - YouTube I was thinking about my six previously cited reasons for accepting the existence of some Deity. Those are - a) My over forty very brief experiences of a compassion way beyond normal consciousness and which could only be described as Divine. b) That others report such experiences of the Divine. c) The coincidences recorded here. d) The faults with neo-Darwinism. e) The philosophical argument from design. f) The very existence of the ́Occult Classics ́. I would also now add g) The aesthetic sense in Man. To each of my six points instance there are, of course, counter arguments. Sceptics...