(70) Fighting for and against the existence of soul: The DU(AL) or (ELL)ISTS.

At 10.45 p.m. on July 23rd 1991 I was flicking through some files I had collated under the heading Science and The Esoteric, and had arrived at a sub-section entitled "Arguments for and against the existence of soul".

As I got there my mother changed the TV channel. It arrived at a film called The Duellists.


The plot concerns two officers in the Napoleonic era who fight a long series of, seemingly pointless, duels. I had seen it in the cinema eleven years earlier. One officer was saying to his protagonist:
"I spoke with an old gentleman who professed to believe in the transmigration of souls. He suggested that we had been enemies in a previous life."

Of course reductionist, monistic science denies that living things are anything more than mechanised automata.
Those who take the view that housed within a physical body there is some spiritual component are called dualists.


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