(29) All you need is love

At 9:50 a.m. on April 14th 1988 I was reading from Sir Laurens van der Post’s book A Mantis Carol in Poppins restaurant in Bedford High Street.

As I was reading this from page 139 -

Time, if only we could feel it again, as it sang within our blood, was not just a lineal measure but the beat of the heart of love, the rhythm of its growth and increase in life, the rate of its advance and patience in the conversion of error and redemption of imperfection, so that when all error has been corrected, all imperfection redeemed and life made precise with love, there will be no need of time, and time will pass away and another dimension will come to take its place.
But love will stay
.” -

the radio broadcast All You Need Is Love.
... ... ...
In mid-May 2006 my nine year old son, Sacha, began singing All You Need is Love when with me in the car.
A few moments later it began playing over the car radio.

See also the opening paragraphs of Entry 163 - Living the Dream: A Coincidence Diary: (163) Hope fades: Real Hope and octopus manifest (james-plasketts-coincidence-diary.blogspot.com)


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