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The Narrative, plus Epilogues and Appendices

" When a man looks for Truth, Truth looks for him." (Sufi aphorism) "The plural of anecdote is not data." Introduction The coincidences in this section, mostly from early 1988, seemed to lend themselves more easily to a narrative exposition.  To those examples which are, to some extent, verifiable,  I have appended a V. And to make the following of it all easier I shall begin with a synopsis. Before I begin, permit me to note that when, in April 1994, I attended the Society for Psychical Research Psi/Synchronicity workshop  (94) Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (   I was made aware by Dr Caroline Watt of what she called the "Mine Vs Yours" syndrome. i.e. that people tend habitually to regard their own coincidences as more cute, amusing, worthy of attention than those of others.  I think this is basically for two reasons:- a) Having lived through it all the experiencer will of

(300) The timely acquisition of Monarch blood testing strips... whilst things conk out

Like a lot of people I have a To Do list. I try to prioritise it by having those items I deem most important at the front.  Only sometimes the unexpected happens. Now read on... On the morning of September 3rd 2024 I  thought about dropping in, just round the corner, to my local health centre to get some strips that I had to use on a daily basis to monitor the level of sugar in my blood. I had two different machines and each used a different type of strip. The strips for the machine I was then using came in a yellow packet marked  Freestyle   with   the image of a Monarch butterfly on it. But, since I had just enough such strips to suffice for a week or so, I didn't bother and instead walked off to the bank to transfer some Euros which my son had, out of the blue, requested the previous day. Indeed, as I was about to leave the house, my wife rang to see if I'd done so yet. That afternoon my mobile phone conked out and so I drove to the local Movistar office to get it sorted. I

(299) Caught in a pair of Dragonfly eyes

On Sunday April 7th 2024 I was upgrading/improving The Narrative Entry here Living the Dream: A Coincidence Diary: The Narrative, plus Epilogues and Appendices ( and lingered on Points ( 45-51 ) re William Hartston either achieving (or missing by the skin of his teeth) grandmaster norms in the 1970s. I actually e mailed him re some details. He replied and our interchange continued until, on the morning of Monday April 8th 2024, I  e mailed to ask a few more questions.  And since my 'revamping' had also demanded work on Appendices Four and Five, I e mailed again around noon to add something very similar to Point ( 63 ) of the Narrative - " Btw the crater ́s also to be seen here in the ESA Press Release - It is the same photo as appears on my book ́s cover. Only this time in colour : March 1st 2007 was also the date on which Professor Roderick Main's book Revelations of C

(298) The Relic. Annas, Annes and Anns. The origin of The Seven Deadly Sins. The Resurrection!?

 On the evening of March 13th 2024, Raymond Keene sent to me (and also independently, to my wife) this (quite unsolicited) poem in an e mail  The Relic BY JOHN DONNE When my grave is broke up again        Some second guest to entertain,        (For graves have learn'd that woman head,        To be to more than one a bed)                 And he that digs it, spies A bracelet of  bright hair  about the bone,                 Will he not let'us alone, And think that there a loving couple lies, Who thought that this device might be some way To make their souls, at the last busy day, Meet at this grave, and make a little stay?          If this fall in a time, or land,          Where mis-devotion doth command,          Then he, that digs us up, will bring          Us to the bishop, and the king,                 To make us relics; then Thou shalt be a Mary Magdalen, and I                 A something else thereby; All women shall adore us, and some men; And since at such time miracles a